# Community Partner

Break The Fake Movement

Break the Fake Movement partners with ASEAN Foundation anew for the ASEAN Data Science Explorers Program


Break the Fake Movement has kicked off the search for youth data analytics and app development Master Trainers in the Philippines under the ASEAN Data Science Explorers Program (ASEAN DSE). 

The Break the Fake Movement has been chosen by the ASEAN Foundation to roll out the program in the country by equipping underserved youth with data analytics and app development skills for greater opportunities in the future. On top of the hard skills training, the program is also designed to hone the youth’s soft skills deemed helpful in the digital information age, such as problem-solving and critical thinking. 

Evaluation is ongoing for 15 Master Trainers who will undergo enablement sessions on data analytics using SAP Analytics Cloud and app development through SAP Build Apps with no coding required. These Master Trainers will roll out the program by facilitating their own training sessions to reach at least 2,000 local underserved youth in the country.

Master Trainers will be selected based on the following qualifications: 

  • Educators, community leaders, members of any youth organization, local youth officials, and/or trainers with experience in teaching data analytics, particularly to the underserved youth sector
  • Has access to underserved and vulnerable youth community 
  • Has basic digital literacy knowledge; how to use smartphones, laptops, and social media tools
  • Proficient in English, Tagalog, and/or local language
  • Aged 18 to 35 years old

The ASEAN DSE marks the second partnership between the Break the Fake Movement and the ASEAN Foundation. Prior to this, the Break the Fake Movement partnered with the ASEAN Foundation for its Digital Literacy Programme in 2022 to help combat misinformation and disinformation in the country.

Once appointed, qualified Master Trainers will undergo an enablement session in February and implement the training from March to May 2024.


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